Pushing The Envelope - A Guest Post
As the founder of Miira Artist Tools, I believe that looking through Miira changes the way you see the natural world. As an art educator I’ve had the privilege to work with a remarkable young artist who has studied drawing and painting with me for several years. When we began to develop our mobile app, Miira for iOS, Katie was eager to be a beta tester. Her input was instrumental in making the Miira app work even better. I believe that Katie’s story about her experience using the Miira app will be eye-opening and will influence your perspective and approach to your work. We can’t wait to hear and share your story.
Using the Miira app to create an envelope
by Katie Prior
Standing in front of a blank piece of paper, with the expectation of drawing my very first drapery study, I really didn’t know where to start. I know about drawing shapes and the light and dark, but it was still overwhelming. I decided to use the Miira app on my iPhone.

Here Katie is comparing what she recorded with Miira for iOS
using the live camera feed on her iPhone
using the live camera feed on her iPhone
I started with the outline; sliding the guides on the app to create an envelope, a simplified outline, around the study. I then transferred the envelope to my paper, making sure that all the angles were correct.

Katie adding the finishing touches to her drawing
I’ve spent many hours on this study and it’s almost finished. The Miira app has helped me many times along the way to confirm the shapes and angles in my drawing.

Katie's finished drawing side-by-side with the drapery she
used as reference.
This is a charcoal reduction drawing on Rives paper
Katie Prior is a second year Youth Atelier student at the Conservatory for Classical Art in Edmond, Oklahoma. Her preferred means of expression are computer pixels, vine charcoal, and the written word. www.katieprior.com
How does Katie’s story capture your imagination? How can the Miira app help you to create? Share your story and images with us via email at leslie@miiraartisttools.com.